2018 Enshrinement Week Powered by Johnson Controls

Customer Testimonials

"Best weekend EVER!" - Scott S.

"This was a once in a lifetime experience." - Gilda G.

"I have recommended it to every NFL fan that I know as a must do event." - Robert B.

"My friend and I are already planning to go back. It was a magical weekend that will be remembered forever." - Steven B.

Official Ticket Packages



Hall of Fame Experiences’ Official Ticket Packages provide fans with VIP experiences, premium seating, and parties with Pro Football Hall of Famers.


Individual Tickets - On Sale Now


Individual tickets to the 2018 Hall of Fame Game and Enshrinement Ceremony are on sale now.

Individual tickets for the Concert for Legends will go on sale at a later date.

purchase individual hof game & Enshrinement Ceremony TICKETS