At the 10-yard-line with 90 yards to go!
Joe DeLamielleure is walking to the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s Golden Anniversary Reunion. His Pounding the Pavement for Prosthetics Walk from Buffalo to Canton is to raise awareness and support for the GRACE’S LAMP organization that deals with young children who grow out of their prosthetic legs but cannot afford the high cost of new adult prosthetic legs. Read story>>> | Support Grace’s Lamp>>>
8:15 p.m. EDT
I just showered and had dinner after covering another 22 miles.
I really enjoyed my trek through the countryside today. There’s just so much history in the towns and buildings along the way like this church!

And, the people just continue to be incredible. They’re very supportive and as I made my way through Fredonia, N.Y., it seemed liked everyone knows about the walk. They were honking horns and many came up to me, got their picture taken, and handed over money for the cause.
There was one guy on his way to a charity golf tournament and he turned around and came back and donated $20. Another guy jumped off his tractor to come over and see me. Another guy stopped to get his picture taken with me and then went and got his dad. I certainly appreciate all the warm wishes from so many great people I come across in each town.
I had a good day but the feet are little sore which I guess is expected.
There’s no way I’m not making it! To use a football analogy, we’re on our own 10 and driving with 90 yards to go.
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