Still wearing the same socks
Joe DeLamielleure is walking to the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s Golden Anniversary Reunion. His Pounding the Pavement for Prosthetics Walk from Buffalo to Canton is to raise awareness and support for the GRACE’S LAMP organization that deals with young children who grow out of their prosthetic legs but cannot afford the high cost of new adult prosthetic legs. Read story>>> | Support Grace’s Lamp>>>
7:55 p.m. ET
I got an early start today to get a jump on the heat. But, it’s hot and humid out there.
I’ve been keeping hydrated for sure. I’m wearing a Camelbak that holds 64 ounces of water and I’m going through six of those a day.
Helping me along today was Lynn Swann who gave me a call.
I also had a visitor on the road. Former Browns Quarterback Bernie Kosar met up with me at the Subway in Parkman, Ohio yesterday. Here, Bernie and I posed with Kerstin Maxie and the Subway’s owner Kevin Graham.

Bernie and I weren’t teammates but we met about five or six years ago and really hit it off. He’s a good guy. He intended on walking for a mile with me and ended up doing more than three miles. It sure helped break up the monotony of walking by myself. Thanks Bernie!
I was asked if I’m still wearing the same socks … yes! If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, you need to check my blog entry from the other day. Franco Harris gave me these special silver socks used a lot by the military and athletes. They’re great. They keep my aching feet dry and they’re definitely living up to the reputation of being able to wear for a long time. It’s kind of funny that a Steeler would help out an ol’ Brown. But, we’re all teammates in the Hall. Thanks Franco.
Two more long days and then I make my final strech to the Hall’s front steps. I want to give a sincere thank you to Steve Perry, the Hall of Fame’s President/Executive Director. He announced the other day that the Hall of Fame has set aside a block of enshrinement tickets that if you buy them and say you want to support Grace’s Lamp, the Hall of Fame is giving $10 of the ticket price to the charity. Thank you so much Steve. I’m just thrilled.
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