Hall of Fame Receives Inaugural Pinnacle Hall of Fame Award from CILC
Earlier this week, the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) announced the inaugural Pinnacle Hall of Fame Award for Content Providers that have been recognized for 10 years of quality programming. The Pro Football Hall of Fame was one of 15 organizations to receive the honor.
Each year, Content Providers from around the world are recognized by the CILC for their “Programs of Distinction,” and for receiving outstanding ratings on program evaluation by educators and activity directors. Content Providers, representing museums, science centers, art galleries, zoos, aquariums, musicians, and authors, as recipients of this annual award, stand out as demonstrating remarkable quality of educational content and exceptional skill at program delivery.
“The Pro Football Hall of Fame is honored to not only receive the distinguished Pinnacle Award for the 2019-20 school year, but we are especially proud to be one of only 15 content providers from around the world to be a part of the Pinnacle Hall of Fame Award,” shared the Hall’s Director of Youth & Education, Jerry Csaki.
“Our mission is to ‘Honor the Heroes of the Game, Preserve its History, Promote its Values and Celebrate Excellence Everywhere’ and our video conferencing programs are one of many ways our team fulfills this mission. We love working with the CILC, as they have been an amazing asset to 501(c)(3) organizations like the Hall of Fame and to teachers around the world.”
The CILC is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, founded in 1994, and is the nation’s leading clearing house for interactive, virtual programs for students and Lifelong Learners.
Janet Zanetis, Managing Director of the CILC, states, “the Pinnacle Hall of Fame Award recognizes the best of the best. These winning organizations demonstrate continued excellence year after year and it is time for them to be recognized for their highly rated and long-standing programs.”
The Pinnacle Awards were first awarded in 2008 and has become a CILC tradition.
2019-2020 CILC Pinnacle Hall of Fame Awards
- Adventures in Medicine & Science (AIMS) Program of St. Louis University Alaska SeaLife Center
- Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum
- Center for Puppetry Arts
- CESA 7 Educational Technology Services
- Challenger Learning Center (Rochester, NY)
- Cleveland Museum of Art
- Cleveland Museum of Natural History
- Mote Marine Laboratory-Sea Trek
- Pro Football Hall of Fame
- Reef HQ Aquarium (Australia)
- Royal Botanical Gardens (Canada)
- Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology (Canada)
- The National World War II Museum
- The Sheffield Museum of Rural Life (Canada)
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