Finding its way to the Hall: a Super Bowl II game ball

General Published on : 1/1/2005

Super Bowl II Ball

Super Bowl II Game Ball

This recent acquisition was the result of a phone call from John Thurman of Denver, Colorado. John related to the Hall his story of how the first pro football game he ever attended was Super Bowl II, and then only after an out-of -town friend convinced him to purchase tickets. Unfortunately, John and his friend, Harlan Dotson of Buffalo, New York were only able to get end zone seats, placing them on the west side of the Orange Bowl directly behind the goal post.

The Ball on Display

On display at the Hall

As Thurman related, "when (Green Bay Packers kicker) Don Chandler kicked the first of his four field goals in the first quarter of play it split the uprights and hit me directly in the chest." Thurman, who over the years has shared his personal game trophy with his friends and associates, decided that it was time for him to donate it to the Hall of Fame in order to "share it with sports fans who would appreciate its history."