Donate Artifacts

Thank you for considering the Pro Football Hall of Fame for a home for your piece(s) of professional football history. Our mission is to “preserve the history of the game” and we would love to discuss your possible donation to us.

Any person who donates memorabilia to the Pro Football Hall of Fame receives a letter of acknowledgment; a gift agreement that transfers ownership of the items to the museum, and an IRS tax receipt which allows the donor to deduct the monetary value of the items from their taxes.

The Pro Football Hall of Fame is a non-profit organization, therefore all the memorabilia in our permanent collection is obtained only through donations.

We hope this information is of value, and the Pro Football Hall of Fame hopes you contact us regarding your donation. The Pro Football Hall of Fame hopes your prized memento will reside in our collection along with the rest of the great and treasured mementos of professional football history.