Canton isn’t far away


Joe DeLamielleure is walking to the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s Golden Anniversary Reunion. His Pounding the Pavement for Prosthetics Walk from Buffalo to Canton is to raise awareness and support for the GRACE’S LAMP organization that deals with young children who grow out of their prosthetic legs but cannot afford the high cost of new adult prosthetic legs. Read story>>> | Support Grace’s Lamp>>>

8:15 p.m. ET

This was one brutal day. It was so hot and humid. I also ended up starting the day by walking for nearly five hours straight. I should have taken a break earlier and eaten lunch around 11:30. Tomorrow, I’m going to be a little smarter and walk for a couple of hours then take a break.

I told you about the socks Franco Harris gave me. Well, now that I’m almost done with the walk, I’ll let you in on my other secret. I’ve been spraying down with a great product called Liquid Ice. It really rejuvenates me and I feel great each morning when I’m ready to tackle another 20 miles.

Anyway, I’m getting really excited as Canton isn’t far away. We stayed in Kent last night. Eljay and I got lost driving around from our hotel and when we stopped for directions Sergeant Jason Short pointed us to one of the town’s best restaurants.

Bernie Kosar came back out today to walk with me again. I’ll tell you, the guy has a heart of gold. Thanks Bernie for the support.

The calls kept coming. Marv Levy called and told me how he admires that I’m always doing something. Out of the blue, I got a call from Kyle Turley, the former Chiefs and Saints lineman. Football certainly is a tight-knit fraternity. I appreciate all of the calls and especially from my good friend Elvin Bethea who has been reaching out to me every day.

All of my family is really pumped for me as I get toward the end of the walk. I would not be who I am without my wife and children. They always encourage me and I can’t tell you how much that means to me.

My biggest pick-me-up of the day came when my daughter texted me the picture my four-year-old grandson Patrick drew of his grandpa!

I’ve been talking to Joey Funderburk almost daily. He can’t believe that I’m almost done. He is really thrilled to be going to the Hall of Fame on Saturday.

Well, one more long day and then I’ll wrap up my walk on Saturday morning. If you happen to be around Canton, please come by and meet Joey. He’s one inspirational guy.

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