HOF DVD on sale
NFL Films is presenting the ultimate for the NFL fan. For the first time ever, the complete history of the Pro Football Hall of Fame is being presented with a groundbreaking three-disc DVD set. The Hall of Fame DVD went on sale on Tuesday August 2.
The DVDs include a fully searchable library of all 229 members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, special features on 80 NFL greats, and 30 memorable enshrinement speeches.
VIDEO: HOF DVD on sale
Local company donates HOF game tickets
A regional Hall of Fame sponsor, Locker Moving and Storage, donated a large amount of tickets to the Pro Football Hall of Fame Game to area youth.
Welcoming Committee: Benny Friedman
Bill Walsh and Benny Friedman share a common bond in that they both signficantly contributed to the success of the passing game in pro football.