Gear up for August
When I go on vacation or travel around to different locations, I always try to find souvenirs or mementos that are unique to that specific place. Here at the Pro Football Hall of Fame it is no different; many fans are looking for that one-of-a-kind item.
I always try to direct customers to the items that are both team and Hall of Fame related. One of our most popular items is the Team Hall of Fame Legends T-shirts. Customers are usually excited when they discover these shirts. Each shirt features the team logo front and center, and the Hall of Fame logo, as well as, all the team enshrinees on the back of the shirt. Currently, we have 22 teams from which to choose. Recently, we just received three new teams that we have never had before. With the Saints playing in the NFL/Hall of Fame Game this year and former tackle Willie Roaf is a member of the Class of 2012, it was time to create a Saints Hall of Fame Legends T-shirt. The other two new teams are the Seahawks (featuring Class of 2012 enshrinee Cortez Kennedy) and the Cardinals (also playing in the NFL/Hall of Fame Game). For all you Saints and Cardinals fans don’t forget to purchase your tickets to the NFL/Hall of Fame Game or get fan packages for the entire weekend!

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